The Lake at Fforest Fields

The Lake at Fforest Fields

We have been keeping our visitors informed about a bit of a problem in our lake, which we have been working on.  At times it seems to disappear, but it can fluctuate and I'm keen to keep you in the loop.

Update 15th July:
Warm weather is forecast this weekend.  This may make you want to spend lots more time in the lake.  Please look at the list of precautions below.

Over the last few months some visitors have experienced Swimmer's Itch after spending time in our lake. Swimmer's Itch is an itchy rash caused by microscopic parasites that can be found in freshwater. These parasites, which live on snails, can cause an allergic reaction on the skin of some people while leaving others completely unaffected. The good news is that they cannot survive on humans and the rash is temporary, though it can be quite uncomfortable.

After consulting with freshwater professionals, we've learned that there is no simple solution for removing these parasites without impacting the entire ecosystem. There is no handbook for this and we've never had a problem like this before in the lake, so we are working hard to do what we can.

This is not bacteria or algae bloom, but we want you to exercise caution and be prepared for a reaction if you choose to go in.

There are several precautions you can take to minimise the risk:
  • Come prepared with antihistamine.  We have some in the shop but best to have your own 
  • Wear wetsuits that cover your skin while swimming
  • Apply a barrier cream or waterproof sunscreen before entering the water
  • Towel off immediately after leaving the lake
  • Rinse off in the showers after swimming
  • Avoid spending too much time in the lake in one stint, particularly in shallow water
People ask us about dogs.  My dogs who are water babies and are in regularly have not been affected, but I have read that it can affect dogs and a couple of campers have said their dogs were itchy. As any dog owner knows all sorts of things can cause itching, but it's not been a big issue on site.  Please make your own judgement call :) 

We understand this news may be concerning, but we don't want to alarm you. Being informed and taking the recommended precautions can help you continue to enjoy the lake & your stay. 

If you do experience symptoms, which include itching/burning sensation and small pimples then antihistamines such as Piriton can provide relief, and you can treat the rash with calamine lotion or anti-itch cream.  A recent visitor recommended Eurax cream, which she says eased the itchiness in minutes. A cold compress can also help, as can applying baking soda as a paste. It is not something likely to need a visit to the doctors, unless excessive itching causes infection, but we recommend you keep a close eye and if you have any concerns please contact your doctor. 

Please download a copy of our farm map to see everything we have on offer here, even if you decide the lake isn't for you this time.
See you soon for some wonderful time away from your day to day! 

Best wishes,
Jessie &
The Fforest Fields Team
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